Donnerstag, 18.04.2024 09:57 Uhr

Foreign policy and the new European Commission

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome, 18.11.2019, 16:00 Uhr
Kommentar: +++ Politik +++ Bericht 8248x gelesen

Rome [ENA] When competing powers are progressively challenging the rules-based global order, the Europeans are obliged to defend multilateralism, international law, democracy and human rights. Multilateralism continues to be the focus of the EU’s efforts to prevent and solve conflicts and with a new European political cycle which just started its foreign and security policy is subject to change with the need of a stronger,

united and more strategic European Union. There’s a decisive need to strengthen the EU’s resilience and independence by promoting peace, security, human rights and fundamental freedoms in Europe and throughout the world. If European Union fails to take a firm line now on assuming a global leadership role renovating and strengthening its political potential and acting like a geopolitical power it will be difficult to achieve its ”strategic autonomy”. The Commission President’s decision to transform the EU’s executive branch into a ‘geopolitical commission’ seems to be a good idea along with that to build, within five years, a genuine European Defence Union.

In fact, the European Union needs to be able to react to crises more rapidly and effectively and should put a greater emphasis on preventing conflicts at an early stage. Switching from a responsive to an anticipatory approach and team up with like-minded partners to defend the global rule-based order founded on international law is vital for the future of EU, which has the urgent need to explore new forms of alliances and find innovative mechanisms for cooperation. EU foreign policy has to unite all foreign ministries behind a common and strong EU-level foreign policy, emphasizing the need to build ad hoc coalitions to strengthen EU cohesion and democratic legitimacy.

The European Union can only deliver its full potential when speaking with one voice and when decision-making is shifted gradually from the national to the supranational level, taking full advantage of the possibilities offered by the EU institutions and their procedures. Conflict prevention and mediation have to be prioritized, because this approach delivers a high degree of EU added value in political, social, economic and security terms. Conflict prevention and mediation activities help to assert the presence and credibility of the EU on the international scene. Efficient cooperation with partner organizations such as the UN or NATO is more vital than ever.

Last but not least, preventing the EU from becoming dependent on digital giants and profiting from its competitive advantage should not be forgotten. Only in this case it can quickly establish a strategic position in the international race of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence.

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